It is with immense joy and pride that I show you this custom Strato made in Paterno (in Val d'Agri, Basilicata) on the specifications of the guitarist who has marked and continues to mark the history of this instrument in Lucania and in the World, the great Graziano Accinni

GRAZIANO ACCINNI (Guitarist, Author, Arranger and Producer) is best known for his very long collaboration as Pino Mango's guitarist.

Graziano he has always had a very personal, refined and recognizable style and sound. In his long career he has often used modern guitars and synths and in recent years we have often seen him use classical guitars.

Today he is proud and honoured to be able to wear a BITTO Stratocustom made to his specifications and above all proudly in Lucania.

Watch him as he happily enjoys the first notes of his: “BITTO Stratocustom EMG” .
Grande Chitarra, ho provato le Bitto Guitars e sono dei chitarroni Grandi Graziano e Pino Rock On \m/
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