
“Di tutto un pò”

Chitarra Lucana realizzata per il più noto Chitarrista Lucano!!!

Lucanian Guitar made for the most famous Lucanian Guitarist!!!

It is with immense joy and pride that I show you this custom Strato made in
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Belle…che Ballano!!!

Beautiful…who dance

The first thought as soon as I make each of these "instruments" is: "NICE, Now let's see if it DANCES!!!"
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Le “Bitto” iniziano a farsi notare…

The “Bittos” are starting to get noticed…

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La prima BITTO a varcare il confine Italiano è una “BRIGANTELLA” !!!

The first BITTO to cross the Italian border is a “BRIGANTELLA"

It's really true ... on that magic carpet I see a "BITTO Telecustom BRIGANTELLA"!!! You are wondering why I call it Magic...
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Non c’è 2 senza 3

Non c’è 2 senza 3

The Captain certainly could not be missing in the three aces!!! Is it him or isn't it him?!?!?! Of course it's ...
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Altro giro … Altra corsa ?

Another lap… Another race ?

 E GIA'..." It is exactly with the title of a famous song by HIS, OUR Kom, Vasco Rossi, 3 days ago...
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Cosa non farei per creare un Brand di Sicuro Successo!!! 

What I wouldn't do to create an announced Successful Brand!!! 

I've always believed that Success is determined by transforming Obstacles into real Opportunities, so I started...
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Le “Brigantelle” un progetto orgogliosamente Made in Italy 

Le “Brigantelle” un progetto orgogliosamente Made in Italy 

The "Brigantelle" project was born from a bizarre and fleeting summer idea, instruments decorated with buxom rocking flatterers designed exclusively...
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E’ bello vedere un Amico Felice

It's nice to see a happy friend

For a few days now I have been living with extreme joy with this bass, unique because it is the result of careful planning, thanks...
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Strumenti, Materia e Tecnica Antica

Instruments, Materials and Ancient Techniques

Some shots "stolen" in the laboratory that shows how much attention there is in researching with extreme meticulousness woods, tools and materials of the time that was ...
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While My Guitars

While My Guitars

FINALLY HERE WE ARE !!! . What can I say…not long ago, driven by the passion, knowledge and love for old Vintage Guitars...
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