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BITTO Telecustom Double Neck “Sambora”

Body: Ash – Finish Nitro Aged & Relic
Necks Hard Rock Maple – Finish Nitro Aged
Fretboards Hard Rock Maple 21 frets – Nut Bone – Diapason 25,5” – Radius 7,25″ / 12″
Colour: Butterscotch
Pickups: Dreamsongs Hand-Wound Set ’50 + Custom
Bridge: Vintage Style with Brass Saddless + Modern 6 Saddless
Tuners: Kluson Vintage Style
Weight: 5,5 Kg

BITTO… Instruments to Wear!!!

With a BITTO you will be wearing a guitar with high-end quality and sound standards, combined with the feeling that defines the "True Sound". feeling che definisce il “True Sound”.
Each instrument is a project in itself and can reflect any specification, from the choice of the radius and curvature of the neck, to the contour and shape of the body as well as being able to customize the electronic components and any other details.
All instruments are made entirely by hand following a precise design line.
The raw material is carefully chosen in raw form and then worked, varnished, polished and assembled with methods, tools and passion typical of the "Golden Era".
Depending on the project and the instrument, the hardware to be used is chosen for the purpose of an optimal performance and even the pick-ups are made by hand "hand-wound" on specific characteristics.

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